“Zig Zags to Earth” is a shadow puppet play that blends traditional shadow puppetry with the innovative use of an overhead projector. The play revolves around the water cycle and includes material play with water. The combination of these storytelling techniques and elements not only results in striking visuals, but also transforms the performance into a rich sensory experience.
Zig, the protagonist of the play, is a being from another planet. Zig’s view of all earthly beings as belonging to the same bucket urges us to question an anthropocentric view of the world and suggests instead a kinship between us all. From their point of view the audience is asked to engage with water from a fresh perspective; one that allows engagement between the mundane and the extraordinary.
Zig Zags to Earth was created with the support of Goethe Institut/Max Mueller Bhavan and the Katkatha Puppet Arts Trust. It premiered at the Katkatha Puppet Fringe Festival at Max Mueller Bhavan.